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The Wonderful Land of Oz (1969)

The Wonderful Land of Oz is a 1969 film by Barry Mahon, based on the novel The Marvelous Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum. A low budget but faithful adaptation, the film stars Mahon's son, Channy (Chandos Castle Mahon, now a producer) as Tip, Zisca Baum (no relation) as Mombi, Caroline Berner as General Jinjur, George Wadsworth as Jack Pumpkinhead, Gil Fields as H. M. Woggle-bug T. E., Michael R. Thomas as the Scarecrow, and Al Joseph as the Tin Woodman. Ozma is played by Joy Webb. Jellia Jamb and Omby Amby appear, unbilled. The Gump is voiced by Ray Menard, the production designer, also unbilled, but remembered by Thomas, who also remembers that Hilary Lee Gaess, who played Glinda, had extreme bouts with stage fright.

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Release date: January 1, 1969

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