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The Sun Shines Bright (1953)

The Sun Shines Bright is a 1953 American comedy film directed by John Ford, based on material taken from a series of Irvin S. Cobb stories. Ford had adapted some of the same material in 1934 in his film Judge Priest. That film originally had a scene depicting the lynching of Stepin Fetchit’s character (and Priest’s condemnation of the act), but it was cut by 20th Century Fox. The omission was one of the reasons Ford loosely reshaped the Cobb stories two decades later as The Sun Shines Bright for Republic Pictures, this time keeping the lynching scene (and Fetchit in a supporting role). Ford often cited The Sun Shines Bright as his favorite among all his films, and in later years, it was championed by critics such as Jonathan Rosenbaum and Dave Kehr, who called it "a masterpiece".

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Director: John Ford
Distributor: Republic Pictures
Release date: May 2, 1953
Running time: U.S. theatrical cut:
92 minutes

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