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The Mountain Eagle (1927)

The Mountain Eagle is a 1927 British silent film, and Alfred Hitchcock's second as director following The Pleasure Garden. The film, a romantic melodrama set in Kentucky, is about a widower (Bernhard Goetzke) who jealously competes with his crippled son (John F. Hamilton) and a man he loathes (Malcolm Keen) over the affections of a schoolteacher (Nita Naldi). The film was mostly produced at the Emelka Film studios in Munich, Germany in the fall of 1925, with exterior scenes shot in the village of Obergurgl in the State of Tyrol, Austria. Production was plagued with problems, including the destruction of a village roof and Hitchcock experiencing altitude sickness. Due to producing the film in Germany, Hitchcock had more directorial freedom than he would have had in England, and he was influenced by German cinematic style and technique.

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Director: Alfred Hitchcock
Distributor: Woolf & Freedman Film Service (UK) * Artlee Independent Film
Release date: May 23, 1927
Running time: 57 minutes

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