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The Iron Triangle (1989)

The Iron Triangle is a 1989 film about the U.S. "conflict" with Vietnam. The story is based on the diary of an unknown Viet Cong Soldier. This unique fact gives the movie a different perspective than many of the other movies about the Vietnam war and makes black and white distinctions about who were the "good guys" and "bad guys" a little more complicated. The film stars Beau Bridges, Haing S. Ngor, Liem Whatley, Johnny Hallyday, Jim Ishida, and Ping Wu. Each character helps bring to life the struggle of what it means to fight for one's country. Whether they be a simple farmer's son (Ho), a French mercenary (Jacques), or a simple soldier (Keene) these three men bring to light a gray view of war which reflects that there are many sides to the war than just "good" or "evil".

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Director: Eric Weston
Distributor: Scotti Brothers Records
Artisan Entertainment
International Video Entertainment
Release date: January 1, 1989
Running time: 91 minutes

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