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Set Yourself Free (2014)

Set Yourself Free is a hoax public service announcement directed by Henry Inglis and Aaron McCann, released on January 29, 2014 via the Internet. It has gone viral, and as of February 5, 2014 had over 12 million views on YouTube. Its goal is to discourage truancy in schools. The ad was produced by Henry and Aaron, a filmmaking and comedy duo from Perth, Australia with a history of making viral videos intended to shock, and the ad states that they did so on behalf of the "Learn for Life Foundation of Western Australia". In the video, four teenagers skip school, get into a Volkswagen van and head to the beach, where they enjoy surfing, drinking beer, and generally relaxing and enjoying themselves. However, the ad takes an abrupt turn for the worse when one of the girls steps on a land mine and is immediately blown to bits, and two of the other teens in the commercial are dispatched in a similar way. One surviving girl is then shown screaming before zooming out to show that the beach they had driven to that day was, in fact, an explosives testing site, before the screaming stops and a mushroom cloud appears. The film ends with the slogan, "This is what happens when you slack off. Stay in school."

More at Wikipedia.

Director: Henry Inglis & Aaron McCann|Henry and Aaron
Release date: January 29, 2014
Running time: 1 minute, 45 seconds