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My Teacher Ate My Homework (1997)

My Teacher Ate My Homework is a 1997 movie A Grim Reaper appears in a spooky classroom then tells a tale about a student named Jesse Hackett who hates his teacher,Mrs Flink, who is soon doomed to be trapped in the Shadow Zone. Jesse Hackett finds a doll at a store resembling his teacher. Things start to take a turn for the worse when the doll comes to life. Jesse Hackett and his friends destroy the evil doll. Then Jesse Hackett & Mrs Flink reconcile. Jesse Hackett never becomes a doomed eternal guest at the Shadow Zone. The movie ends with the Grim Reaper telling the audience he hopes to see them doomed & that he'll have a room waiting for them in the Shadow Zone. Then with a chilling Laugh he walks down the School's hall to the entrance & disappears.

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Release date: January 1, 1997

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