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Mumsy, Nanny, Sonny and Girly (1970)

Mumsy, Nanny, Sonny, and Girly, released as Girly in North America, is the name of a 1970 British horror-comedy. The film originated as a dream project for renowned cinematographer-turned-director Freddie Francis, who wanted the opportunity to direct a film over which he had complete creative control, instead of working on assignment from a studio (as was the case with his previous directorial efforts). Francis teamed with writer Brian Comport to build the movie around Oakley Court, which Francis had used for exterior shots in previous films. The script was based on an obscure two-act play by Maisie Mosco entitled Happy Family, which was later adapted into a novella by screenwriter Brian Comport as "Mumsy, Nanny, Sonny, and Girly". Though the film fared poorly in British cinemas, it enjoyed a brief but successful run in North America before going on to achieve status as a cult film.

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Director: Freddie Francis
Distributor: Cinerama Releasing Corporation
Release date: February 12, 1970
Running time: 101 min

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