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High Treason (1929)

High Treason is a 1929 film based on a play by Noel Pemberton Billing. It was directed by Maurice Elvey, and stars James Carew, Humberstone Wright, Benita Hume, Henry Vibart, Hayford Hobbs, Irene Rooke and Jameson Thomas. Raymond Massey makes his first screen appearance in a small role. The sound film was presented in a London trade show August 9, 1929, then went into UK general release in silent and sound versions on September 9, 1929. The sound version was released in the US by Tiffany Productions on March 13, 1930. The silent version and a trailer for the sound version are preserved and held by the British Film Institute; the only known surviving original copy of the sound version is a lavender fine grain of the American release version held in the collection of Alaska Moving Image Preservation Association (AMIPA), which has been recently restored by the Library of Congress.

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Release date: January 1, 1929

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