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Fight for the Planet (2009)

Fight for the Planet is a 2009 Canadian film. Directed, produced, and edited by Colin Carter, Fight for the Planet is a call to action film about global warming, and the future of our society as it steps into a new environmentally conscious era. Fight for the Planet was 16 year old director Colin Carter's first feature film, and is the first in a row of award winning features (Please Kill Mr. Know It All (2012) and Blueprints (2013)). The film went on the tour the international film festival circuit in the summer of 2010, and later was distributed for curricular use in Ontario high schools. A page about the film and the Director is published in the current Ontario grade 10 science textbook.

More at Wikipedia.

Director: Colin Carter
Release date: March 12, 2009
Running time: 64 minutes

External links:
Official site