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Children of Memory (2012)

Children of Memory(Niños de la Memoria) is a documentary film produced and directed by Kathryn Smith Pyle and Maria Teresa Rodriguez. From 1980–1992 about 75,000 women, men and children died and disappeared during El Salvador’s civil war. It was known fact that most adults would be assassinated, but no one knows exactly what happened to the children. The film follows Pro-Busqueda investigator, Margarita Zamora, as she searches the countryside asking eyewitnesses to recall what they remember from war times. As Pyle and Rodriguez tell the personal account of Zamora’s search for her 4 siblings, so do they also tell the story of American Jaime Harvey, who was adopted from El Salvador in 1980, and Salvador Garcia, a farmer who continues the search for his daughter Cristabel. Their efforts to find their family members are challenged by the lack of access to Salvadoran military war archives.

More at Wikipedia.

Release date: January 1, 2012

External links:
Official site